An Object Representing... Me

Metaphor is one of the ways modern artists and writers get across some of there strongest and most potent points. To represent one thing with something else is an art form that takes much time and consideration. Self representation is a difficult subject to deal with. Does representing one's self with something great make you conceited? Does representing one’s self with something low make you a pessimist? What defines me? What can give a vivid description of who I really am? My kitchen consists of many objects I use every day. However I had to look past the most commonly used commodities and focus my attention on one thing. Right next to my counter there is a kitchen table that we always eat dinner at. When I saw the table I immediately knew what represented me. My kitchen table as simple as is it represents unity, security, and happiness. These three qualities are the things that describe who I am best.
Granted a table is an inanimate object that just sits there all day, it can really mean something if you look at it in the right way. To be united is what life is all about. Being united with family and friends is basically what we are constantly striving for. I know in my life I always look to be with the people who I care most about, and care most about me. My kitchen table represents all the meals that me and my family have enjoyed together through the years. No matter what the situation we always sit at the table, enjoy our food, and talk. After 9-11 we sat at that table and ate our dinner discussing life’s true simplicity and how we take things for granted. The kitchen table always brings me back to the times when my brother and sister lived home and we all prepared to eat together. The unity shared at this table is definitely a perpetual symbol of me. I always am and always will be striving for the unity that this one simple table grants to me.
Furthermore that table also represents strength and sturdiness. It is a funny thing. We have so much faith in that table that we don’t realize. We have faith that it will hold up our food and support us. We don’t even realize how much trust we put into something as simple as a table. Anyone who knows me knows how trustworthy and faithful I am. No matter what the situation calls for I will always stand up for a friend or “hold up” a load he has to carry, but can’t handle. Exactly like the table does with the food me and my family eat. Also, the table has served us loyally for years without ever collapsing or falling down. This is a pure and udder representation of sturdiness and power. I also feel I possess some of those qualities. I am usually always sturdy and never fold under pressure.
Moreover my table is a definitive representation of joy and happiness. The table itself has never brought me true happiness. Still it has been a faithful witness to an abundance of happiness created by me and my family for over five years. I’ll always remember the thanksgiving meals we had. Me my brother and sister along with my parents all had such a good time. We knew we were going to have a tough road ahead of us, but as a family we could face any challenge thrown in our direction. We ate our thanksgiving meal and talked afterward. I’ll always remember how great thanksgiving is. The feeling of invincibility and invulnerableness I feel sitting there with my family is enormous. The table represents that happiness I feel because it is right there sitting in the middle of that very Thanksgiving dinner.
Indeed my kitchen table is a fantastic metaphor for me. It represents happiness, security, and unity, but most importantly represents all of the features I am constantly striving for. There is a possibility I’ll only be in my house for a few more years, however the table will still be there when I leave. The kitchen table will be a good representation for me for a long time. As I said metaphor is a great way to portray someone or something. After thinking about this I realized that I can be portrayed by many different objects in many different ways.