Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Over - Family Guy

Family Guy is an American animated television series about a dysfunctional family that lives in the fictional town of Quahog, Rhode Island. It was created by Seth MacFarlane for Fox Broadcasting Company in 1999. The show uses frequent "cutaway gags", jokes in the form of tangential vignettes that do not advance the story.
Family Guy was canceled once in 2000, and again in 2002, but strong DVD sales and the large viewership of reruns on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim convinced Fox to resume the show in 2005. It is the first canceled show to be resurrected based on DVD sales(wikipedia.org).

On the video we see Stewie, a diabolical child with adult mannerisms who speaks fluently with an upper-class English accent and stereotypical arch-villain phrases. Living with the family is Brian, the family dog, who is highly anthropomorphized, walks on two legs, drinks Martinis, and engages in human conversation, though he is still considered a pet in many respects.

Family guy, althought it copies "The Simpsons" in many aspects, is a classic in its category. It literarly mimicks everybody and everything without paying any attention to comments and criticisms. The show lives its own life and doesn't follow any particular story line. Randomness is a big attribute of Family Guy. The popularity of the show is immense hence the return after cancellation. The brutal sense of humor is something that some hate and oters admire, which group do you belong to?


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