10,000 B.C

The times when people lived in peace with nature. It was a time of no polution, when the elderly were considered to be wise, and legends were very much alive. People lived in small communites and enjoyed the simplicity of life. They hunted for food, they relied on everything that was surrounding them. They were grateful for what they had. Then, one day, their life has changed for good. Their village was attacked by dragons, some people were brutally slaughtered and others were taken. The harmony that was at one point taken for granted has been disturbed.
The people that managed to stay alive were left with no necesities for survival. The village was destroyed and they have lost everything they had. A tiny group of hunters from the primitive village decides to take their chances and go after the invadors that enslaved their families and friends. After months of long travel, times of crisis, they go to other villages and discover that they were not the only ones that this terrible thing happened to. Their tiny group grows in size, more and more warriors and hunters join them on their journey. When they finally reach the place their friends were taken to, they are amazed by the unkown buildings in the shape of a triangle, and slaves working on them. For the first time they see the Egyptian Pyramids. They decide to attack the Egyptians and the rebells defeat the nation that was far superior to them.
How you ever been wondering how a change like this would effect our society? If some superior force from another planet attacked us, killed and enslaved most of the people you know, what would you do? What would you feel? Would you have the courage to stand up and say "no" ?
There are many things that we take for granted in our world. We take life for granted, we do not realize what a great gift it is. Maybe we should? It is worth pausing, taking a break, and reflecting, once in a while, on our lives; are the things we chase really the things that will make us happy? Are they just temporary pleasures? What is the bigger picture or the latent meaning behind all of it?